Safety is part of our corporate strategy. Worldwide, we operate in line with the “safety first” strategy and it’s our goal to be amongst the safest chemical distributors worldwide. This commitment encompasses the health and safety of our employees as well as product safety and the protection of the environment.
trinasChemicals is committed to being a leader in environmental sustainability, both in the way we carry out our operations and in the services we offer. trinasChemicals conducts it's business in a manner that acknowledges, measures and takes responsibility for it's direct and indirect impact on the environment.
Our practices support long-term economic growth without negatively impacting social, environmental, and cultural aspects of the community. We concern the present and future value of natural resources, like drinking water, as well as products, investments, consumption, markets and the global economy.
We see ourselves as part of the communities we are in, as a “corporate citizen”, and we maintain a close dialogue with them. trinasChemicals and its employees assume social responsibility at a local level in various ways – by contributing funding, donations in kind, expertise and personal commitment.